Each Tuesday this year, I’m going to share some of the things I’ve been reading which I have been inspired by or learnt from.

Judged – inspiring stories of ex-convicts who changed their game.

Biometric EarPods: yet another example of a fake story going viral. Here’s the lengthy, interesting confession.

Opinions in this post are 100% my own – the meaningless of this statement on posts where bloggers receive free goods. Gosh, the number of times I’ve read that phrase since reading this post is incredible!

Questions I ask when reviewing a design (in short: lots of them!).

“My addiction to the internet has made my life unmanageable” – Glennon Doyle Melton.

Antisocial networking – cutting out the middlemen.

Breaking up with Facebook – Eat24 deletes its company page: “Breaking up with Facebook was the best marketing move we made all year.”

Pinterest perfect – critical analysis of a photo seen on Pinterest.

Building a website from the ground up – Dianna Huff writes another practical article.

Edward Tufte quote:

“People and institutions cannot keep their own score accurately. Metrics soon become targets and then pitches, and are thereby gamed, corrupted, misreported, fudged…

Examples: premature revenue recognition, Libor rates, beating the quarterly forecast by a single penny, terrorist attacks prevented, Weapons of Mass Destruction, number of Twitter followers, all body counts (crowd sizes, civilians blown up). Sometimes call the Principle of Lake Woebegone, where all children are above average.”

Being ignored on Facebook may lead to lower self esteem – well, surely being ignored period?

For the love of being liked – social media downsides.

The newly redesigned LA Times pre-writes multiple tweet options for you.

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