cre8d design

Tags in columns WordPress plugin (Ultimate Tag Warrior add-on)

I’ve now put up the code for the plugin used to create the TechCrunch Index.


  1. Check you have Ultimate Tag Warrior installed and activated
  2. Download the plugin and rename from cre8d_tags_in_columns.txt to cre8d_tags_in_columns.php
  3. Activate the plugin.
  4. Access the listing by including echo cre8d_UTW_TagArchive(); somewhere in your template. This will give, by default, 3 columns and tags grouped vertically in 5’s. If you wanted 2 columns and groups of ten, use: cre8d_UTW_TagArchive(2,10) and so forth.
  5. Add to your stylesheet the following:.list-column { float: left; width: 160px; margin: 0 5px; }
    .list-column ul { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; }
    .list-column ul li { list-style-type: none; }
    .spacer { margin-bottom: 20px; }
  6. Optionally tweak the width of .list-column to suit your blog’s layout. You may like to change the vertical spacing (.spacer) between groups too.
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