cre8d design

Recent design inspiration: Pinterest

Lately, I’ve found a lot of inspiration for design work (and for designing our new home) from Pinterest.

When someone asks me what Pinterest is, I say it’s the new window shopping for women. Follow my pins here.

There’s two main things which I’d love for Pinterest to do:

  1. Use the same sort of technology as TinEye and collapse together all images which are the same, instead of scrolling down search results and seeing the same thing over and over again.
  2. Improve the search ability so you can search within a particular category, search in a user’s pins etc.

There’s a fantastic amount of material for web and print design ideas within Pinterest, and I love the DIY-centered approach much of the content takes. The drawback, of course, is that you can pin all you like and not end up doing anything practical with the content you’re collecting. Ideas percolating in your head can be helpful for use later on but I’ve been trying out some of the pins I’ve been adding: experimenting with washi tape and packaging, getting out a book on DIY print making, homemade air fresheners and shortly a constellation jar.

I’m also trying to make it a habit to add my own pins and contribute to the collection: blog design, ebook design, print design and bread I’ve made!

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