cre8d design

I saw something new for the first time yesterday


My four year old son regularly amazes me with the things he says. He loves to play on words and make up new ones, or deliberately say things incorrectly as a joke. He is currently in a phase of telling the most interesting stories with a very straight face which all start off “When I was at Teagan’s house…” All the things they did at his friend’s house are quite impossible but wonderful all the same.

He also notices all sorts of things I don’t.

Yesterday as he ate a piece of raspberry jam toast he said, “Mum, I’m so happy that we have Mickey Mouse on our bread.” I looked at the shape of his bread to see if he’d eaten out the shape of Mickey Mouse’s ears or something. Nope. I asked him to explain. He told me it was on the packet up the top, the plastic bit.

I went over to him and had a look at the plastic bit he was talking about. Ah, it was the bread tag. Then I realised he was right. For the first time in my life, I saw Mickey Mouse on a bread tag.

It was actually an amazing feeling to see it, to discover his discovery.

I’m inspired to see old things in a new light. To look closely at things differently.

I told him he was wonderfully observant, and he learnt a new word yesterday.

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