cre8d design

Spring Cleaning

Yesterday I did an 11mi charity walk down a long black-sand local beach called Muriwai. I often share photos of this beach on Instagram.

At about the 10mi point, my friend and I took off our shoes and walked the rest of the way barefoot. It felt fantastic after a few hours of walking on the sand.

Last year when I did the walk, my shoes stayed on the whole way. But because the beach was a consistent subtle downward slope, one-half of my big toenails ended up black! It was the side of the toes which had constant pressure on them due to the angle we walked on.

We couldn’t have walked the whole way without shoes. But they’d served their purpose and our feet were ready to be set free. This time we recognized the signs that it was time to remove them rather than push on the final distance.

I regularly talk with business owners who know they need to let go of something. They recognize that it served them well for a time but is now no longer needed, it’s becoming painful, restrictive, and frustrating to work with.

This could be:

  • running multiple websites for historical reasons and needing to consolidate them together into one cohesive brand or offering
  • spending lots of time on a social media platform or advertising campaign which is not generating business
  • managing an overly complex website when it could be streamlined down to be simpler and more manageable

But… they’re hesitant to say goodbye (and thank you!) to those things which they feel connected to, have invested in, and fond memories. It can be scary to let go of these things, you can second-guess yourself and wonder if you are making a mistake, that perhaps it is better to hold on just-in-case. (Cue Marie Kondo moment.)

Ready to tackle website spring cleaning and online strategy? Let’s talk.

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