Our Faux Farmhouse

Holly Lauritzen has grown a large Instagram following with her DIY home renovation and decor brand, Our Faux Farmhouse. She has significant influencer power, this being shown recently when she grew a vacation rental’s follower count by over 100,0000 through her giveaway promotion. The website had not been a key focus until now.

A new DIY project website was launched at Our Faux Farmhouse. It features original tutorials by guest contributors with projects organized in a variety of ways to make it easier for visitors to explore content. For example, by room, difficulty, time, tools needed, style (e.g. Farmhouse Modern), and partner company (e.g,. Home Depot).

The “Mecca of DIY” site includes the ability for visitors to easily submit posts for review, which includes all the required information needed to publish it. It also includes a shop for third-party products (e.g. Amazon affiliate links). The newsletter list will be built to encourage repeat visitors.

The site is fresh, clean, simple modern, with a magazine-style layout to inspire visitors, utilizing the feminine brand of the current website. The website is light, organized, easy to navigate, fast-loading, and highly user-friendly on all devices (i.e. mobile-first/responsive design) and modern browsers. The site focuses on establishing what Google refers to as E-A-T signals (Expertise, Authority, and Trust), and compliance with Google’s latest standards.

The website’s primary call to action is for visitors to explore and use lots of tutorials.  The site is easy for the team to update and expand over time in WordPress’s Gutenberg block editor. Particular emphasis will be placed on search engine optimization through lightweight code, minimal plugin usage, meta descriptions and titles (via Yoast), image names, and site speed.

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