Every day I ask:

How can I make the most of this situation?

Stressed, overwhelmed people find it hard to take in info. Don’t make people think or work hard with yours.

Three tips:

1. Add a “current status” message to your homepage

  • At or near the top of the page.
  • In a bar or in a box.
  • State if you’re open for business or not.
  • List changes to normal service.
  • Added new offerings in response to coronavirus to help people? Tell them!
  • Consider linking to a dedicated clean landing page like status.mywebsite.com that has more info (letter from CEO, status updates, relevant FAQ). (Interested? Email.)

2. Reduce, reduce, reduce

  • Ruthlessly cut copy down to what you need to communicate.

3. Think “How can we help people differently?”

  • Create a one-page highly-practical printable resource.
  • Adapt services/offerings.
  • What can you move online now? What can be built online now?
  • Does our website reflect our business? Does it portray trust, expertise, and authority?
  • Use Zoom and Calendly for online appointments and meetings.

Need help?

Email me or book a call.

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